Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Penulisan BI pelajar SK TTJ 2

Write a story based on the pictures below.You may use the words given to help you.Write your answer in the space provided.
Tulis sebuah cerita berdasarkan gambar-gambar di bawah.Kamu boleh menggunakan perkataan-perkataan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu.Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan.

1.      Alia who is twelve years old lives in Taman Seri Pagi.She studies in year 6 Berlian at Sekolah Kebanggsaan Seri Pagi.Her hobby is drawing.
     Last Saturday,Alia took part in the drawing competition.The competition was held at the school hall.There were many people taking part in the competition.When the competition started,Alia drew carefully and neatly on the paper given.
     After drawing,the judges had a hard time to choose the winner.The judges had to choose a good picture.
     A few minutes later,the judges announced the winner for the drawing competition.Alia and the others were very excited.Alia was very happy that she won the first prize.The headmistress gave the prize and congratulated her.Alia thanked her family for their support.Alia had a wonderful time on that day.

 2.      Liyana who is twelve years old lives in Taman Seri Pagi.She studies in Year 6 Cemerlang at Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Pagi.She was a hardworking and talented person.
      Last week,Liyana took part in a drawing competition that was organised by her school.The competition was held in the school hall.Many pupils took part in the competition.
      Everyone gathered in the school hall.The pupils were told to take their positions in the hall.Everyone started drawing.After drawing,everyone were told to move aside.The judges came to write down their marks.It was a hard time to choose a winner because everyone’s drawing were good.All the pupils had good art skills.
      At the end of the competition,the judges made a decision.The judges choose a perfect drawing with good art skills.When the time came or the announcement,Liyana was very nervous.Suddenly the teachers called out her name.She was announced as the winners.She won the first prize.The headmaster gave her the prize and congratulated her.She thank her parents for their support.
     She went back home with a happy smile on her face.

 3.    Aida who is twelve years old lives in Taman Cempaka Fasa 2. She studies in Year 6 Nilam at Sekolah Taman Seri Pagi .Her hobby is drawing therefore , she always  spend her time drawing.
     Last school holiday,Aida’s school organized a drawing competition.It was held at the school hall on Sunday at three o’clock in the evening.She took part in the competition to show her talent.There were so many pupils taking part in the competition.
      On the day of competition,Aida drew very well.After all of the competitions finished drawing,they showed their drawing to the judges.It was a hard time for the judges to choose the winner.At last they found a very beautifuldrawing and choose it to be a winner.
After waiting,the judge announced that Aida was the winner.She won first prize and received a prize freom the judges.Ali of her friends and family congratulated her.She was very happy.Aida,s parents were very proud of her.She was very happy andit was a very memorable day for Aida.

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